plant care
How to Maintain the Different Types of Plants
Miniature Roses

Bright Light or Full Sun
Lumière vive ou plein soleil
Luz brillante o pleno sol

South East Facing Location
Emplacement orienté sud-est
Ubicación orientada al sureste

Water when nearly dry, do not let dry out
Arroser lorsqu'il est presque sec, ne pas laisser sécher
Riegue cuando esté casi seca, no deje que se seque

Fertilize every other week
Fertiliser toutes les deux semaines
abonar cada dos semanas

For Decoration only. Do Not Eat.
Pour décoration uniquement. Ne pas manger.
Solo para decoración. No coma.

Medium to Bright Light
Lumière moyenne à vive
Luz media a brillante

East Facing
Exposition Est
Orientación este

Water when dry, do not let stay dry
Arroser une fois sec, ne pas laisser sécher
Riegue cuando esté seco, no deje que se quede seco.

Fertilize every other week
Fertiliser toutes les deux semaines
abonar cada dos semanas

For Decoration only. Do Not Eat.
Pour décoration uniquement. Ne pas manger.
Solo para decoración. No coma.

Medium to Bright Light
Lumière moyenne à vive
Luz media a brillante

East Facing
Exposition Est
Orientación este

Water when dry, do not let stay dry
Arroser une fois sec, ne pas laisser sécher
Riegue cuando esté seco, no deje que se quede seco.

Fertilize monthly
Fertiliser mensuellement
Fertilizar mensualmente

For Decoration only. Do Not Eat.
Pour décoration uniquement. Ne pas manger.
Solo para decoración. No coma.

Bright Light or Full Sun
Lumière vive ou plein soleil
Luz brillante o pleno sol

East Facing
Exposition Est
Orientación este

Low water, allow soil to be moderately dry
arroser si le sol est sec, ne pas laisser le sol s'asseche
Bajo nivel de agua, permita que el suelo esté moderadamente seco

Fertilize every other week
Fertiliser toutes les deux semaines
abonar cada dos semanas

For Decoration only. Do Not Eat.
Pour décoration uniquement. Ne pas manger.
Solo para decoración. No coma.

Medium Light
Lumière moyenne
Luz media

East Facing
Exposition Est
Orientación este

Water when dry, do not let stay dry
Arroser une fois sec, ne pas laisser sécher
Riegue cuando esté seco, no deje que se quede seco.

Fertilize monthly
Fertiliser mensuellement
Fertilizar mensualmente

For Decoration only. Do Not Eat.
Pour décoration uniquement. Ne pas manger.
Solo para decoración. No coma.

Medium Light
Lumière moyenne
Luz media

East Facing
Exposition Est
Orientación este

Water when soil approaches dryness
Arroser lorsque le sol approche de la sécheresse
Riegue cuando el suelo se acerque a la sequedad

Fertilize monthly
Fertiliser mensuellement
Fertilizar mensualmente

For Decoration only. Do Not Eat.
Pour décoration uniquement. Ne pas manger.
Solo para decoración. No coma.

Medium to Bright Light
Lumière moyenne à vive
Luz media a brillante

East Facing
Exposition Est
Orientación este

Water when soil approaches dryness
Arroser lorsque le sol approche de la sécheresse
Riegue cuando el suelo se acerque a la sequedad

Fertilize monthly
Fertiliser mensuellement
Fertilizar mensualmente

For Decoration only. Do Not Eat.
Pour décoration uniquement. Ne pas manger.
Solo para decoración. No coma.

Our new “NATURAL ELEMENTS” Foliage Collection is grown without the heavy use of pesticides and chemicals. This collection produces healthier, cleaner and fresher plants for our customers to have in their retail stores and homes.

RosAroma is a naturally scented rose cultivated right in the heart of the Niagara Region, located in Canada. Its long-lasting blooms is one of the reasons we are the Market Share Leader in this beautiful crop.
Coming Soon!
Unfortunately, No. We currently sell to National accounts and wholesalers that supply retailers, Garden centres and smaller flower shops. However , you can purchase Westbrook’s beautiful indoor potted Roses, Kalanchoes, Violets, Tropicals and Succulents at most major retailers . Look for the Westbrook branded care tag
Yes, indoor potted roses are hardy in USDA zones 5-8 (see map https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/)
Unfortunately, No. We currently sell to National accounts and wholesalers that supply retailers, Garden centres and smaller flower shops. However , you can purchase Westbrook’s beautiful indoor potted Roses, Kalanchoes, Violets, Tropicals and Succulents at key floral wholesalers across North America that supply smaller retail businesses.
Please check the Website Where to Buy, it will let you know if we have sold plants to your local retailer
Please check the Website under the plant you are inquiring about, it has a plant care guide to help with the care of your plant
We can attempt to help, please check the website, connect with us section and add a plant picture and we will do our best to help you
The Westbrook Group of Companies provides potted plants, cut flowers, light duty utility trailers, and the design and build of commercial and production greenhouse structures throughout North America.